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February 15, 2007

Fund raising campaign 2007


The Beginning of the fund raising campaign.

As a result of the publicity that was generated from winning the contest, many generous people took a personal interest in the project « Mon sac d’école ». Their generosity allowed us to raise a sum of 10 556.90$

We also want to acknowledge publicly the gestures of the children who contributed to give other children like themselves a better quality of life.

Thank you to:

  • Kevin and Janie B., Sabrina and Valérie from Sherbrooke
  • Bethel A., Gabrielle and Philippe B., Phoenix, Loukaël and Xian D. and the Jackson children for their financial participation.
  • The grand-children of Mrs. Beausoleil, Evelyne et Etienne, for having sacrificed a Christmas present
  • Etienne C. for giving some of his toys
  • The Minotte children for donating the entire profits collected by selling some of their personal items.
  • We especially want to thank all the children that gave us their backpacks and drawings.

    It is heart warming to see our children being sensitive to the many differences and conscious of all the privileges they have which makes them very generous human beings. What a beautiful and inspiring vision for the future!!!

    From all of the children in Burundi, Thank you!!!!