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December 5, 2020

Mission 2020

20 orphans from coeur de Marie et Joseph orphenage receiving their schoolbags

Dear Contributor,First and foremost, we hope you are well. During normal times, we write to you to announce the beginning of our fundraising campaign or at the end of the year to wish you happy holidays.  However, everything is far from normal since last March.  But we believe this will be welcome news. In spite of our effort, we were unable to go to Burundi this year.  At first, we were disappointed but this feeling was rapidly replaced by a great sense of pride. Indeed, children sponsored in 2006, now young women or men, those who have been assisting us in the field for some time now, have taken over responsibility with our remote assistance. They have demonstrated leadership and a wonderful team spirit. One of them made masks and all the children were able to safely receive their school materials and uniforms.  They will go to school even if were were unable to go. In addition, we placed our trust in them and gave them the opportunity and confidence to add 20 orphans to our lists, 25 others living in makeshift tents since last January’a and April’s flooding when they lost all of there possessions and finally 12 others living in Ngozi, the northern part of the country.  During our 15th mission, the saying “Give back to others” has taken on a real and broader meaning.  We wanted to salute their work because it is worthy of mention and share our pride because without you, they would have never become who they are today.  On another front, only a few cases of Covid-19  were reported in Burundi. The majority between May and July but no more. However, the boarders remain closed. Essential travellers are requested to provide proof of a negative test established 72 hours prior to entering the country. We take this opportunity to wish you n excellent autumn.

Corinne Chatel